PKG Fellow, Yamilée Toussaint featured by CNN Heroes!
Yamilée Toussaint was a PKG Fellow and founded STEM From Dance. Yamilée Toussaint has always been passionate about two seemingly unrelated things: dancing and mathematics. Growing up on Long Island…
Social Impact Internships: Gwyn Margaux Tangog (’26)
Hello! I’m Gwyn (Gwyneth Margaux Tangog), a rising junior at MIT majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. This summer, I was an Implementation Engineer at Recidiviz. Recidiviz is a tech…
PKG Fellows, Dr. Ufuoma Ovienmhada and Dr. Danielle Wood featured in MIT News!
When summer temperatures spike, so does our vulnerability to heat-related illness or even death. For the most part, people can take measures to reduce their heat exposure by opening a…
Social Impact Internships: Christine Sinn (’27)
My name is Christine Sinn, and I am a rising sophomore majoring in Course 15-3. Thanks to the PKG Center, I had the privilege of interning for the World Wildlife…
PKG Fellow and IDEAS Alum, Professor Amos Winter Featured by Esses!
Professor Amos Winter had a number of PKG Fellowships working on wheelchair design with partners in developing countries and his team was an IDEAS Awardee for the Leveraged Freedom Chair (which…
2024 PKG Public Service Award Graduate Recipient: Alvin Harvey SM ’20, PhD ’24
Indigenous healing through community-building Alvin Harvey’s impact at MIT stems from community-building, an approach that is rooted in his background as a citizen of Navajo Nation. While studying aeronautics and…
2024 PKG Public Service Award Undergraduate Recipient: Daisy Wang ’24
Combining career aspirations and public service Daisy Wang’s focus on social impact-oriented endeavors blossomed during her time at MIT, where she found a myriad of ways to give back to…
MIT PKG IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge Featured in MIT News!
What if testing for Lyme disease were as simple as dropping a tick in a test tube at home, waiting a few minutes, and looking for a change of color?…
2024 Paul Gray Public Service Awardee: Franz-Josef Ulm
A space for community on campus In a year marked by conflict and tension on campus and in the world, the importance of community-building across the Institute has never been…
PKG Fellow Ben Lewis Awarded the Collier Medal!
Summer ’23 PKG Fellow and participant in the Effective Philanthropy course, Ben Lewis has been awarded the Collier Medal! His classmates nominated him for founding End Overdose Boston, which has…